
I'm Marie—a friend on the journey to holistic well-being through self-care and the transformative power of reflexology.

Self-care isn't merely a series of rituals or habits—it's a profound exploration of self-love and acceptance. Its saying YES to taking care of yourself, because your worth it too! I've always viewed self-care as a mirror reflecting how we view our self. My practice is my sanctuary, where each session has becomes one more stepping stone in my own self-care journey.

What are my long term plans, so glad you asked. When I grow up I want to be a therapist. I deeply want to help people who have gone through trauma, I want to help them find a way to be who they want to be on the other side of the trauma. So well I am going back to college for a new degree, I am going to do what I can along the way to help other feel better with self-care and the magic of reflexology.

Life isn't always a perfectly balanced; it's a patchwork of joy and struggles. I believe in sharing both—the triumphs and the challenges. Join me in this journey where authenticity reigns supreme. Together, let's celebrate the highs, navigate the lows, and find beauty in the imperfections.

Some of my personal joys are the fiber arts, like sewing, spinning yarn, knitting, and hopefully very soon weaving. I want a self made wardrobe. I also love personal expression though fashion.

So here's to a life adorned with colorful masterpieces, stitched with love, and woven with the threads of our unique stories. Stay tuned for beauty tips, self-care insights, and the occasional yarn adventure on this colorful ride called life.

I can’t wait to share all my upcoming projects with you. All the ideas are going through my head, see you soon!

As Always Stay Classy,

Marie Martin